
12月2日晚,全球粮食安全青年科学家联盟成立仪式通过线上线下同步举行,主会场设在华中农业大学。来自全球10多位全球粮食安全领域资深专家学者组成的顾问委员,国际食物政策研究所(IFPRI)转型策略中心主任Channing Agndt博士,华中农业大学校长李召虎,副校长青平,校科发院、人力资源部、国际合作交流部负责人及经济管理学院部分教师代表参加了联盟成立仪式。成立仪式由副校长青平教授主持。 Read more

Hungry for Gender Equality: Second annual Global Food 50/50 Report

Around the world, women play a key role in every part of the food system, but their contributions are often undervalued, underpaid, and overlooked. Women and girls also face a disproportionate burden from shocks, such as those driven by the COVID-19 pandemic and the current food and cost-of-living crisis. Women and girls are more likely to face food insecurity and malnutrition—in 2021, at least 126 million more women than men experienced food insecurity, a gap that continues to grow. Read more

Keep calm and trade on: China’s decisive role in agricultural markets under turmoil

China is the world’s largest consumer and importer of agricultural goods. As a result, its trade strategies influence international markets and affect consumers worldwide. However, rising domestic demand for food and limited land and water resources are posing a particular challenge to China’s food security. This is exacerbated by world market price volatility resulting from recent geopolitical tensions, the Covid-19 pandemic, and extreme weather events caused by climate change. The Chinese government has turned to a range of measures to overcome these challenges, including building up immense strategic reserves. In [IAMO Policy Brief 45](https://www.iamo.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Bilder_und_Dokumente/05-publikationen/IAMO_Policy_Brief/IAMO_Policy_Brief_45_EN.pdf) Lena Kuhn, Tinoush Jamali Jaghdani, Sören Prehn, Zhanli Sun and Thomas Glauben take a look at these developments and how they affect global markets. Read more