Call For Papers and Short Videos

The 2024 Global Food Security Forum for Young Scientists will be held on 26-27 October 2024 in Wuhan, China. This year marks the 3rd anniversary of the Global Food Security Association for Young Scientists (GFSAYS), which was jointly founded by Huazhong Agricultural University (HZAU), the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), and the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), and the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO). The association, as an international exchange platform, aims to connect young scientists focusing on food security issues from various disciplines.

The 2024 forum will be hosted by HZAU, with the theme of “Enhancing Youth Power for Global Food Security”.

Enhancing youth power is not merely a choice but a necessity in securing global food stability. With an ever-growing population and the looming threat of climate change, the agricultural sector faces unprecedented challenges. Empowering the youth, who represent the future custodians of our planet, is paramount. Their innovative perspectives, creative ideas, and technological adeptness are invaluable assets in revolutionizing agricultural practices for sustainability and resilience. Moreover, investing in youth education, training, and employment opportunities in agriculture not only addresses unemployment but also cultivates a skilled workforce equipped to tackle the complexities of modern food production. Harnessing the potential of young minds is essential in ensuring food security for generations to come, fostering a world where no one goes hungry and where agriculture thrives in harmony with nature.

We welcome research papers of topics including, but not limited to:

  •   Youth Entrepreneurship in Agriculture
  •   Youth-Led Research and Innovation in Food Security
  •   Youth Leadership and Advocacy for Food Security
  •   Innovative Agricultural Technologies
  •   Germplasm Innovation
  •   Digital Tools for Agriculture
  •   Agricultural Socialization Service System
  •   Sustainable Farming Practices
  •   Climate Change Adaptation
  •   Food Security and Resilience

In this year, we host a special section for Short Video Competition. If you have a good idea to encourage youth to care more about food, resources, and sustainability, we are thrilled to see your artistic work. Your video can be sent to with a size smaller than 50MB.


Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract (800 words), a full paper, an organized symposium proposal, or a short video (30-120 seconds, smaller than 50MB) to the email:

  • Doctoral students should indicate whether to submit their papers to the Ph.D sessions of the forum.
  • An organized symposium proposal should include the following information: a theme and a brief introduction of the symposium, chairperson, discussants, four presenters, and the titles and abstracts of their presentations.
  • Short videos could be any forms such as a song, playlet, movie, documentary, or talk show.
  • Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication.
  • Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, interest, clarity, relevance, and technical correctness.

All accepted submissions will be presented at the forum.

  • The accepted full paper by the Ph.D sessions will be considered for the Best Paper Award.
  • The accepted short videos will be shown at the Plenary Session and considered for the Best Video Award.
  • The academic committee of the forum will select several candidates for the award among the accepted papers and short videos, and announce award papers and videos during the conference.

Important Dates

The submission is due on 20 August 2024.
The notification of acceptance will be sent by 20 September 2024.


All papers should be submitted and presented in English. The format should follow the guidelines of Food Policy. Please find detailed guidelines in the following links:


GFSAYS Secretariat

This article was last updated on days ago, and the information described in the article may have changed.